Old Settlers of Monroe County

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Article copied from the August 16, 1889 issue of the Monroe County Appeal.
"During the passed few weeks we hae been
engaged in getting a list of people of
Monroe County who are 75 years old or over,
and with the assistance of a number of gentlemen
in the various townships we have
succeeded in securing the names of the following."

Quick Links 
Name Age Birthplace
Adams, Mrs. Eleanora 81 Kentucky
Adkisson, Robert b. 28 Feb 1811 Kentucky
Alexander, Maj. (col.) 
  mother-in-law Aunt Polly
over 90
Arnold, Harvey 81 Kentucky
Ash, Mary 84 Kentucky
Ash, Naomi
widow of George Ash
86 Kentucky
Ashby, David 83  
Atterbury, Wm 82 Kentucky
Baker, Nancy born 1813 Kentucky
Bare, Hanna  born 1811 Virginia
Bassett, G H 84 Virginia
Batsell,  H P 78 Kentucky
Bellis, H T 80 Kentucky
Bozarth, Squire 77 Kentucky
Briggs, Shaw born 1803 Maryland
Buck, Carolina 76 Ohio
Burks, Mrs. E A 76  Virginia
Burnham, Frank 83 Ohio
Burras, P M 80 Kentucky
Burton, John born 1805 Kentucky
Burton, Nancy
widow of SImpson Burton
born 1803 Kentucky
Capp, Highlay
widow of Peter Capp
born 1807 Pennsylvania
Capp, Mrs. 80  
Capp, Phoebe
widow of Andrew Capp
born 1814 Pennsylvania
Clapper, Zilla 86 Virginia
Cleaver, Thomas 1807  
Combs, Ignatius 90 Kentucky
Combs, Leslie 82 Kentucky
Combs, Rufus born 28 Jan 1810 Henry Co., Kentucky
Craig, Mrs. May 78 Virginia
Crigler, Rosanna born 1800 Virginia
Crutcher, Mrs. America 80 Kentucky
Cummins, Elijah born 1804 Kentucky
Dale, James 92  Pennsylvania
Dale, James 89 Virginia
Davis, Elder J C 80  Kentucky
Davis, Mrs. Sallie 78 Kentucky
Davis, Sallie
widow of Buford
Sept 1808 Oldham Co., Kentucky
Dawson, Nathaniel W 20 July 1814 Bourbon Co., Kentucky
Dean, Maj. 78  
Donalson, Milly 1806  
Donaldson, T J 1811  
Dooley, Fannie 75 Kentucky
Dooley, Underwood 80 Kentucky
Dry, Rebecca
widow of __Dry
1810 Allen Co., Kentucky
Edwards, J H 80 Kentucky
Elliott, Stephen T 1804 Kentucky
Elsberry, Jesse 16 April 1802 Louisville, Kentucky
Farthing, John 78 Kentucky
Ford, Zachariah 3 May 1812 Madison Co., Kentucky
Foreman, Jerry 78 Ohio
Foreman, W H 76 Kentucky
Fulton, J M 78  South Carolina
Garner, John 6 Sept 1806 Bourbon Co., Kentucky
Garnett, Mary
widow of Anderson Garnett
1800 Kentucky
Giddings, W B 81 Virginia
Green, Abraham 22 Aug 1812 Fayette Co., Kentucky
Green, Mrs. Julia 6 Sept 1806 Bourbon Co., Kentucky
Gwyn, Susan 87 Kentucky
Hall, W B 84 Kentucky
Hall, W L 79  
Hanna, Wm 80 Virginia
Hanna, Mrs. Wm 86 Virginia
Harley, Judge Mahlon born 1802 Maryland
Hayden, Mrs. Louisa 84 Kentucky
Hayes, Washington 1 Jan 1814 Kentucky
Hays, Sallie Apr 1813 Virginia
Helm, J W  79 Kentucky
Hendricks, John 79 Kentucky
Henninger, Wm 88 Virginia
Hobbs, James H 16 July 1811 Nelson Co., Kentucky
Hughes, D W 79  
Hurd, Wm  19 Nov 1813 Page Co. Virginia
Jones, Anderson 78 Virginia
Jones, Julia 80 Kentucky
Kelly, Thos over 90 Ireland
Kerr, Mrs. Lavina 1810 Bullet Co., Kentucky
Kincaid, Mrs. 80  
Kirkland, margaret 85 Kentucky
Lang, Argotha 78  
Levering, Alice 75  
Longmire, William 87 Washington Co., Tennessee
Malloray, Benjamin 76  Kentucky 
Margreiter, Frank 80 Bohemia
Margreiter, Mrs. Frank 79  Bohemia
Martin, James 77  Kentucky 
Martin, John W. 80 Kentucky 
Maupin, Margaret 78 Kentucky 
Maupin, Martha born 1809  Virginia
McCutcheon, David 75  Virginia 
McGee, Jas. L 92  Kentucky 
McLeod, P H born 1814  County Derry, Ireland 
Melton, John 78  Kentucky 
Melton, WM 77  Kentucky 
Menifee, Alfred born 1807   
Menifee, Mary born 1813   
Meteer, Polly born 1811  Virginia 
Miles, Richard 86   
Miller, Charles born 1805  Pennsylvania 
Miller, Susan born 1807  Pennsylvania
Mitchell, C P  78  
Nelson, Mrs. E J  76 Kentucky 
Nesbit, John  76 Kentucky 
Noel, Rosetta  born 1811 Kentucky 
Orr, Alfred  born 1807  Kentucky 
Overfelt, Berry  born 1811  Virginia
Painter, Jacob  79 Virginia 
Pendleton, Presley born 1803  Kentucky 
Percy, George  78 Kentucky 
Pindall, E S  87 Virginia 
Poer, Jas  89  North Carolina
Porter, Mariah L  85 Virginia
Powell, Wm  81 Kentucky 
Powell, Wm  82  
Powell, Mrs. W H  81 Kentucky  
Quarles, Mrs. S A  76 Rhode Island 
Riley, Rebecca born  10 Nov 1810 Kentucky 
Rodgers, Stephen born 1807 Virginia
Rouse, J (Joshua) 83 Kentucky 
Rouse, Mrs. Joshua 81 Kentucky 
Rouse, Nancy 77 Kentucky 
Sanders, Henry 75 Kentucky 
Sanders, Wm G 83 Kentucky 
Satterly, Mary born 1810 Kentucky 
Scott, Thos born 1808 Kentucky 
Shanks, Wm born 1808 Bourbon Co., Kentucky 
Simpson, Kittie 77 Missouri
Smith, Adoniram born 1801 Vermont
Smith, Ephraim 80 Kentucky 
Smizer, Milton 84 Kentucky 
Sparks, Amanda 83  
Sparks, Simpson born 1813 Bourbon Co., Kentucky 
Speed, Dorinda 76  
Stone, Wm G   Washington Co., Pennsylvania
Store, Frederick 84 Virginia
Stream, Rachel 82 Kentucky 
Stribling, Katherine born 1806 Kentucky 
Swindell, Wm C born 1810 Virginia
Swindell, Mary D
widow of Joel
born 16 Mar 1804 Orange Co., Virginia
Threlkeld, Arway born 11 May 1810 Kentucky  
Tison, Mrs Mary born 12 Jan 1810  Scott Co., Kentucky 
Todd, Albert E 75  Kentucky  
Todd, A G born 14 June 1814 Madison Co., Kentucky  
Trussell, Pendleton born 1811 Bourbon Co., Kentucky 
Turner, Martha J born 5 Apr 1805 Kentucky 
Twyman, Easter (Col.) 85 Virginia
Tyler, William born 1801 Kentucky 
Umstadt, Wm H 23 Jan 1814 Mercer Co., Kentucky
Underwood, Ruben 1810 Kentucky
Utterback, Abraham 75 Kentucky
Vantine, Samuel 76 Illinois
Vaughn, Harrison  76 Kentucky
Vaughn, Mrs. Harrison 75 Kentucky
Vincent, Ezeliel 78 Kentucky
Wade L B born 1815 Bath Co., Kentucky
Walker, Wm 76 Virginia
Warner, Harriet L born 12 Feb 1812 Bath, Maine
Way, Fielding 76  
White, Bartlett born 1812 Kentucky
Williams, Elizabeth L 82 Kentucky 
Williams, Henry born 14 Oct 1801 Giles Co., Virginia
Wilson, B R 75 Kentucky 
Withers, Walter 85 Kentucky 
Wolf, Vina   Guinea
Woods, Mrs. E S 78 Kentucky 
Woodson, S M 76 Kentucky 
Yates, Thos 1811 Kentucky