copied from the August 16, 1889 issue of the Monroe County Appeal.
"During the passed few weeks we hae been
engaged in getting a list of people of
Monroe County who are 75 years old or over,
and with the assistance of a number of gentlemen
in the various townships we have
succeeded in securing the names of the following."
Name |
Age |
Birthplace |
"A" |
Adams, Mrs. Eleanora |
81 |
Kentucky |
Adkisson, Robert |
b. 28 Feb 1811 |
Kentucky |
Alexander, Maj. (col.)
mother-in-law Aunt Polly |
over 90
106 |
Arnold, Harvey |
81 |
Kentucky |
Ash, Mary |
84 |
Kentucky |
Ash, Naomi
widow of George Ash |
86 |
Kentucky |
Ashby, David |
83 |
Atterbury, Wm |
82 |
Kentucky |
"B" |
Baker, Nancy |
born 1813 |
Kentucky |
Bare, Hanna |
born 1811 |
Virginia |
Bassett, G H |
84 |
Virginia |
Batsell, H P |
78 |
Kentucky |
Bellis, H T |
80 |
Kentucky |
Bozarth, Squire |
77 |
Kentucky |
Briggs, Shaw |
born 1803 |
Maryland |
Buck, Carolina |
76 |
Ohio |
Burks, Mrs. E A |
76 |
Virginia |
Burnham, Frank |
83 |
Ohio |
Burras, P M |
80 |
Kentucky |
Burton, John |
born 1805 |
Kentucky |
Burton, Nancy
widow of SImpson Burton |
born 1803 |
Kentucky |
"C" |
Capp, Highlay
widow of Peter Capp |
born 1807 |
Pennsylvania |
Capp, Mrs. |
80 |
Capp, Phoebe
widow of Andrew Capp |
born 1814 |
Pennsylvania |
Clapper, Zilla |
86 |
Virginia |
Cleaver, Thomas |
1807 |
Combs, Ignatius |
90 |
Kentucky |
Combs, Leslie |
82 |
Kentucky |
Combs, Rufus |
born 28 Jan 1810 |
Henry Co., Kentucky |
Craig, Mrs. May |
78 |
Virginia |
Crigler, Rosanna |
born 1800 |
Virginia |
Crutcher, Mrs. America |
80 |
Kentucky |
Cummins, Elijah |
born 1804 |
Kentucky |
"D" |
Dale, James |
92 |
Pennsylvania |
Dale, James |
89 |
Virginia |
Davis, Elder J C |
80 |
Kentucky |
Davis, Mrs. Sallie |
78 |
Kentucky |
Davis, Sallie
widow of Buford |
Sept 1808 |
Oldham Co., Kentucky |
Dawson, Nathaniel W |
20 July 1814 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Dean, Maj. |
78 |
Donalson, Milly |
1806 |
Donaldson, T J |
1811 |
Dooley, Fannie |
75 |
Kentucky |
Dooley, Underwood |
80 |
Kentucky |
Dry, Rebecca
widow of __Dry |
1810 |
Allen Co., Kentucky |
"E" |
Edwards, J H |
80 |
Kentucky |
Elliott, Stephen T |
1804 |
Kentucky |
Elsberry, Jesse |
16 April 1802 |
Louisville, Kentucky |
"F" |
Farthing, John |
78 |
Kentucky |
Ford, Zachariah |
3 May 1812 |
Madison Co., Kentucky |
Foreman, Jerry |
78 |
Ohio |
Foreman, W H |
76 |
Kentucky |
Fulton, J M |
78 |
South Carolina |
"G" |
Garner, John |
6 Sept 1806 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Garnett, Mary
widow of Anderson Garnett |
1800 |
Kentucky |
Giddings, W B |
81 |
Virginia |
Green, Abraham |
22 Aug 1812 |
Fayette Co., Kentucky |
Green, Mrs. Julia |
6 Sept 1806 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Gwyn, Susan |
87 |
Kentucky |
"H" |
Hall, W B |
84 |
Kentucky |
Hall, W L |
79 |
Hanna, Wm |
80 |
Virginia |
Hanna, Mrs. Wm |
86 |
Virginia |
Harley, Judge Mahlon |
born 1802 |
Maryland |
Hayden, Mrs. Louisa |
84 |
Kentucky |
Hayes, Washington |
1 Jan 1814 |
Kentucky |
Hays, Sallie |
Apr 1813 |
Virginia |
Helm, J W |
79 |
Kentucky |
Hendricks, John |
79 |
Kentucky |
Henninger, Wm |
88 |
Virginia |
Hobbs, James H |
16 July 1811 |
Nelson Co., Kentucky |
Hughes, D W |
79 |
Hurd, Wm |
19 Nov 1813 |
Page Co. Virginia |
"J" |
Jones, Anderson |
78 |
Virginia |
Jones, Julia |
80 |
Kentucky |
"K" |
Kelly, Thos |
over 90 |
Ireland |
Kerr, Mrs. Lavina |
1810 |
Bullet Co., Kentucky |
Kincaid, Mrs. |
80 |
Kirkland, margaret |
85 |
Kentucky |
"L" |
Lang, Argotha |
78 |
Levering, Alice |
75 |
Longmire, William |
87 |
Washington Co., Tennessee |
"M" |
Malloray, Benjamin |
76 |
Kentucky |
Margreiter, Frank |
80 |
Bohemia |
Margreiter, Mrs. Frank |
79 |
Bohemia |
Martin, James |
77 |
Kentucky |
Martin, John W. |
80 |
Kentucky |
Maupin, Margaret |
78 |
Kentucky |
Maupin, Martha |
born 1809 |
Virginia |
McCutcheon, David |
75 |
Virginia |
McGee, Jas. L |
92 |
Kentucky |
McLeod, P H |
born 1814 |
County Derry, Ireland |
Melton, John |
78 |
Kentucky |
Melton, WM |
77 |
Kentucky |
Menifee, Alfred |
born 1807 |
Menifee, Mary |
born 1813 |
Meteer, Polly |
born 1811 |
Virginia |
Miles, Richard |
86 |
Miller, Charles |
born 1805 |
Pennsylvania |
Miller, Susan |
born 1807 |
Pennsylvania |
Mitchell, C P |
78 |
"N" |
Nelson, Mrs. E J |
76 |
Kentucky |
Nesbit, John |
76 |
Kentucky |
Noel, Rosetta |
born 1811 |
Kentucky |
"O" |
Orr, Alfred |
born 1807 |
Kentucky |
Overfelt, Berry |
born 1811 |
Virginia |
"P" |
Painter, Jacob |
79 |
Virginia |
Pendleton, Presley |
born 1803 |
Kentucky |
Percy, George |
78 |
Kentucky |
Pindall, E S |
87 |
Virginia |
Poer, Jas |
89 |
North Carolina |
Porter, Mariah L |
85 |
Virginia |
Powell, Wm |
81 |
Kentucky |
Powell, Wm |
82 |
Powell, Mrs. W H |
81 |
Kentucky |
"Q" |
Quarles, Mrs. S A |
76 |
Rhode Island |
"R" |
Riley, Rebecca |
born 10 Nov 1810 |
Kentucky |
Rodgers, Stephen |
born 1807 |
Virginia |
Rouse, J (Joshua) |
83 |
Kentucky |
Rouse, Mrs. Joshua |
81 |
Kentucky |
Rouse, Nancy |
77 |
Kentucky |
"S" |
Sanders, Henry |
75 |
Kentucky |
Sanders, Wm G |
83 |
Kentucky |
Satterly, Mary |
born 1810 |
Kentucky |
Scott, Thos |
born 1808 |
Kentucky |
Shanks, Wm |
born 1808 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Simpson, Kittie |
77 |
Missouri |
Smith, Adoniram |
born 1801 |
Vermont |
Smith, Ephraim |
80 |
Kentucky |
Smizer, Milton |
84 |
Kentucky |
Sparks, Amanda |
83 |
Sparks, Simpson |
born 1813 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Speed, Dorinda |
76 |
Stone, Wm G |
Washington Co.,
Pennsylvania |
Store, Frederick |
84 |
Virginia |
Stream, Rachel |
82 |
Kentucky |
Stribling, Katherine |
born 1806 |
Kentucky |
Swindell, Wm C |
born 1810 |
Virginia |
Swindell, Mary D
widow of Joel |
born 16 Mar 1804 |
Orange Co., Virginia |
"T" |
Threlkeld, Arway |
born 11 May 1810 |
Kentucky |
Tison, Mrs Mary |
born 12 Jan 1810 |
Scott Co., Kentucky |
Todd, Albert E |
75 |
Kentucky |
Todd, A G |
born 14 June 1814 |
Madison Co., Kentucky |
Trussell, Pendleton |
born 1811 |
Bourbon Co., Kentucky |
Turner, Martha J |
born 5 Apr 1805 |
Kentucky |
Twyman, Easter (Col.) |
85 |
Virginia |
Tyler, William |
born 1801 |
Kentucky |
"U" |
Umstadt, Wm H |
23 Jan 1814 |
Mercer Co., Kentucky |
Underwood, Ruben |
1810 |
Kentucky |
Utterback, Abraham |
75 |
Kentucky |
"V" |
Vantine, Samuel |
76 |
Illinois |
Vaughn, Harrison |
76 |
Kentucky |
Vaughn, Mrs. Harrison |
75 |
Kentucky |
Vincent, Ezeliel |
78 |
Kentucky |
"W" |
Wade L B |
born 1815 |
Bath Co., Kentucky |
Walker, Wm |
76 |
Virginia |
Warner, Harriet L |
born 12 Feb 1812 |
Bath, Maine |
Way, Fielding |
76 |
White, Bartlett |
born 1812 |
Kentucky |
Williams, Elizabeth L |
82 |
Kentucky |
Williams, Henry |
born 14 Oct 1801 |
Giles Co., Virginia |
Wilson, B R |
75 |
Kentucky |
Withers, Walter |
85 |
Kentucky |
Wolf, Vina |
Guinea |
Woods, Mrs. E S |
78 |
Kentucky |
Woodson, S M |
76 |
Kentucky |
"Y" |
Yates, Thos |
1811 |
Kentucky |