Statement of marks & brands which have been recorded of the citizens
of Monroe Co., MO in this office. These listings show only the names of
the citizen and the year in which the brand was registered. The record,
itself, shows the actual brand.
brand list a public record, to whom furnished.
It shall be the duty of the director from time to time to cause to be
published in book form a list of all brands on record at the time of the
publication. The lists may be supplemented from time to time. The
publication shall contain a facsimile of all brands recorded and the
owner's name and post-office address. The records shall be arranged in
convenient form for reference. It shall be the duty of the director to
send one copy of the brand book and supplements to the county recorder of
deeds of each county and to each licensed livestock market and slaughter
plant in the state. The books and supplements shall be furnished without
cost to the livestock market or slaughter plant or to the county and shall
be kept as a matter of public record. The books and supplements may be
sold to the general public at the cost of printing and mailing each book.
Edward Turner |
Robert Caldwell |
Otha Adams |
Paul Herriford |
Ovid Adams |
Elias Bozarth |
John McKamey |
Nathan L. Rice |
Samuel H. Smith |
Jane C. McGee |
James W. Roberts |
Alexander Thompson |
Ephraim Smith |
Joseph H. Smith |
Robert Simpson |
John Curry |
William Donaldson |
Richard Cave |
Henry Johnson |
William Jackson |
James S. McGee |
Mary Caldwell |
Christopher C Acuff |
John Strain |
William W. Moseley |
Miner Perry |
Wm. W. Wilcoxson |
Wesley Hill |
Thomas Donaldson |
James H. Smith |
John B Smith |
Harrison Sparks |
David Gentry |
Wm P. Stephenson |
Larkin Stamper |
Robert McGee |
John Newsom |
Edmund Damrell |
Thomas Poague |
James R. Abernathy |
Reese Davis |
Mary Delaney |
Edward M. Holden |
William Sparks |
Alexander W. Smith |
L. B. Giddings |
John Wood |
Mathew Mappin |
Richard Powers |
William H. McGee |
George McClain |
James H. Smith |
Ebenezer Briggs |
Leroy Noel |
Richard Baker |
Willliam Williams |
George Smizer |
John Johnson |
David Major |
Thomas Noel |
Bluford Davis |
John Winingham |
John Burton |
John Rucker |
Samuel Crow |
Ezra Fox |
W.K. Vanarsdall |
Thomas Hall |
Simon Duckworth |
George Adams |
John Shoot |
Milton Wilkerson |
Alexander Winsett |
Stephen F. Thrasher |
Harrison Swinney |
Andrew Wright |
Alexander Colvin |
Ebenezer W. McBride |
Stephen Gross |
Edward Y. Williams |
Levi Turner |
Joseph Helm |
David Goff |
Mathew W. Evans |
John H. Shearman |
Durett Wills |
James Fugate |
William Rucker |
Henry A. Miller |
Edward Ragsdale |
George E Martin |
William Wilkerson |
Preston Vivion |
Reuben Burton |
William V. Rippey |
Jared Potts |
John Hardwick |
John T. Grigsby |
Davis Scott |
Robert B. Martin |
Robert Berry |
Charles Berry |
Abraham Mason |
John W West |
Augustus Creed |
J C Fox |
John Charlton |
Charles S Clay |
George Shortridge |
Charles Burton |
Edward Mattox |
Henry A Miller |
Silvester Hagan |
JamesGilmer |
Boaz Maxey |
John M Smizer |
Joseph Edward |
John Hawkeer (Hocker) |
Joshua Gentry |
Hugh Withers |
Preston Duckworth |
Fauntleroy Dye |
James Jackson |
Hiram Kelley |
Isaac C Dawson |
Jacob Dawson |
Henry Dry |
Samuel Mallory |
Jeremiah Rose |
James Swindell |
Benjamin F Green |
Elijah S Barnes |
William Heathman |
Daniel W Talley |
William Bybee |
John S Bybee |
John Goodman |
Anderson Willis |
William Turner |
John Howard |
Oliver Dry |
Lee Willis |
Braxton C Pollard |
Samuel Donahower |
John Nickell |
Waller Withers |
James Bush |
William Lawrence |
Andrew Thomas |
James W. Reid |
William Smith |
George Hearsman |
John Williams |
Peter Carter |
Thoams Forrest |
E W. Mc Bride |
Thomas W Criger |
Benjamin Dry |
James Vaughn |
Wm Haynes (Haines) |
John Upton |
J H Pavey |
William H Miller |
Ezekiel Vincent |
John Murphey |
Larkin Wright |
John Davis |
George Moreland |
Alexander Shawyer |
George Smizer |
Wm B Ransdall |
William Smithey |
William Jackson |
Eli Jackson |
James McKinney |
Gustavius M Bower |
John Saling |
James Poage |
David Anderson |
William Orr |
Riley Mc Coy |
Theodore G Price |
Thomas G Grant |
Isaac Coppedge |
Ignatius Carico |
Samuel Howell |
Elijah Atterberry |
DA McKamey |
James P Sparks |
Squire Barton |
Ambrose Crutcher |
Jno S Dickey |
Year 1842 |
Year 1843 |
Year 1844 |
Samuel M Quiry |
Year 1845 |
Year 1846 |
Robert J. Webb |
Waltour Robinson |
John D Fields |
FG Pool |
James T Martin |
Wesley Roby |
Richard D Powers |
George Jones |
William S Cason |
Samuel M Quiry |
David Weatherford |
Isaac Groves |
Richard H Turner |
William Upton |
Henry E Allard |
John Sanders |
Hanry McAtee |
Year 1847 |
Year 1848 |
Year 1849 |
Year 1850 |
Year 1851 |
Year 1852 |
George Q Mason |
Elisha Maxey |
M. Shermon |
William Wilson |
John W McCann |
Tilman O Baily |
Thomas Crutcher |
John Creasman |
Joel Noel |
James P Sharp |
Year 1853 |
Year 1854 |
Year1860 |
William Milton |
John A Alexander |
William Pierce |
William Davis |
John S Crow |
William Hanna |
William Pierce |
Jacob Sammer |
John Ford |
W R Capp |
Acrey Yager |
Thomas Bozarth |
ML Sharp |
S B Searcy |
Leonard Zigler |
Year 1862 |
Year 1863 |
Year 1864 |
Year 1865 |
James W Tison |
Joseph M Gentry |
Lavina Fletcher |
Richard M Davis |
David W Campbell |
Catherine E Ownby |
Phillip Jewel |
Wyatt M Smith |
Wm B Giddings |
Wm M Quirey |
Eli Dry |
C E Wills |
John D Poage |
Mason Wilkerson |
David Wooldridge |
George Thoams |
William Thomas |
John W Dawson |
J C Greening |
Stephen Mills |
Gilmore Morehead |
George W Crow |
Woodford Banister |
A Wilkin |
James Dye |
John L Stribling |
John H Anderson |
Charles Yeakey |
RM Donaldson |
S B Upton |
MS Allgain |
James King |
Jacob H Ford |
William J Jones |
Reuben Turner |
Thomas U Cobbs |
Thomas G Cobbs |
R P Vorhies |
L W Milner |
Gustavous Banister |
William H Ball |
Walter V Carrico |
Christopher C Cry |
JH Holdsworth |
Stephen Wm Turner |
Linsey Bowman |
Year 1870 |
Robert D Moore |