Looking for a house in Linn County?

Are you looking for a place to retire?

Maybe you're in the market for the ideal "small town" atmosphere to raise your family? Perhaps Linn County may be the paradise that you're seeking. Here are some helpful links and background information about the town of Linn county and the county itself.


Brookfield - Quality of Life

Town of Marceline


Housing Statistics for Linn County

Housing Statistics - Courtesy of Outreach & Extension University of Missouri
Housing Units
  Linn County Missouri
Total Housing Units 1990 6,566 2,199,129
Total Occupied Housing Units 1990 5,704 1,961,206
- Pct. Chg, in Occupied Units 1980-1990 -9.6% 9.4 %
Distribution of Housing Units 1990:
- Owner Occupied 67.4% 61.3 %
- Renter Occupied 19.5% 27.9 %
- Vacant 12.2% 8.3 %
- Seasonal 0.9% 2.5 %
Occupied Mobile Homes 1990 423 133,342
- As a Percent of Total Occupied Housing Units 7.4% 6.8 %
- Percent Change 1980-90 1.0% 54.4 %
Total Households 1990 5,675 1,961,364
Distribution by Household Type 1990
- Married Couples with Kids 24.9% 26.4 %
- Married Couples without Kids 32.8% 30.9 %
- Male Householder with Kids 1.6% 1.2 %
- Male Householder without Kids 1.0% 1.4 %
- Female Householder with Kids 4.3% 6.1 %
- Female Householder without Kids 2.5% 4.3 %
- NonFamily Households 33.0% 29.7 %
Percent of Persons Under Age 18 Living in Households 1990
- Married Couple Households 80.2% 74.9 %
- Single Male Households 4.4% 2.8 %
- Single Female Households 11.9% 16.3 %
- NonFamily Households/Group Quarters 3.5% 6.0 %
Persons 65 or Older in Households 1990
- Total Persons 65 or Older 3,163 717,851
- In Family Households 53.3% 60.6 %
- In NonFamily Households 36.6% 32.5 %
- In Institutions 10.1% 6.5 %
- Other Group Quarters 0.0% 0.4 %
NOTE: Household information has been revised from previous report.
SOURCE: USDC, Bureau of the Census

Value of Home in Linn County

Linn County:

Universe: Specified owner-occupied housing units
Less than $15,000.........................1035
$15,000 to $19,999........................317
$20,000 to $24,999........................295
$25,000 to $29,999........................261
$30,000 to $34,999........................211
$35,000 to $39,999........................190
$40,000 to $44,999........................150
$45,000 to $49,999........................................................110
$50,000 to $59,999........................................................156
$60,000 to $74,999........................................................140
$75,000 to $99,999.........................................................74
$100,000 to $124,999.......................................................34
$125,000 to $149,999........................................................3
$150,000 to $174,999........................................................3
$175,000 to $199,999........................................................4
$200,000 to $249,999........................................................1
$250,000 to $299,999........................................................1
$300,000 to $399,999........................................................0
$400,000 to $499,999........................................................0
$500,000 or more............................................................0


Real Estate Companies in Linn County

Peterson Real Estate

Tollerton Real Estate

Eitel Realty & Auction Services

Real Estate Advertisements in the Marceline Press

Real Estate Advertisements in the Brookfield Daily News

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