City & County Officers


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County Officers of Linn County 1917-1918
Office Name of Officer Politics
Presiding Judge county court John A. Nickell Democrat
Judge county court, eastern division E. L. Anderson Democrat
Judge county court, western division Geo. E. Singleton Democrat
Judge of probate Arthur L. Pratt Democrat
Clerk circuit court Henry H. Lamb Democrat
Clerk county court Charles A. Johnson Democrat
Recorder of deeds William B. McGregor Democrat
Prosecuting Attorney Henry J. West Democrat
Sheriff Alex L Sportsman Democrat
Treasurer Ruth Hayes Democrat
Coroner J. T. McLarney Democrat
Public Administrator Andrew A. Bailey Democrat
Surveyor David A. Peery Democrat
Superintendent of Public Schools E. L. Joyce  

Elected Officials

Second Congressional District:  W. W. Rucker (D), Keytesville

Sixth Senatorial District: John D. Taylor (D). Keytesville

Twelfth Judicial Circuit:  Fred Lamb (D), Salisbury

Representative: Charles Edw. Kelley (D), Brookfield

City of Brookfield

D. P. White, mayor

Carl Bramm, marshal

P. Vanasdal, attorney

C. E. Lambert, collector

J. R. Williamson, street commissioner

J. MeGowen, assessor

C. Clemens, F. Grubb, T. Nume, C. W. Hoffman, George Rause, Robert Beauchamp, B. Burcham and J. M. Freeman, aldermen;

J. D. McLeod, clerk

H. H. Pratt, physician

Al. Carlan, George Miller and G. M. Balley, justices of the peace.

T. Rushenhein, postmaster.

City of Marceline

W. L. Sutton, mayor and justice of the peace

Wesley Ellis, marshal;

J. O. Crawley, attorney

George R. McGregor, collector

Fred Wylie, street commissioner;

W. A. Hosford, assessor

W, C. Arnold, F. M. Wolf, George Hazelrigg, P. S. Steiner, George Kee, Floyd Newman, John Owens and Frank Strayball, aldermen

L. E. Shelton, clerk

Orin Downing, L. P. Kendrick and John Jackson, justices of the peace.

J. S. Walker, postmaster.

City of Bucklin

G. L. Joyce, mayor;

George S. Finney, marshal

George W. Nester, attorney, clerk and justice of the peace

O. E. Rouse, collector

T. W. Musson, street commissioner

Elbert Lamkin, assessor

Willard Buster, R. P. Richardson, Clarence Musson and John McCollum, aldermen;

F. C. Shoemaker, justice of the peace.

George T. Bell, postmaster.

City of Linneus

C. R. Burris, mayor

J. R. Crookshank, marshal and street commissioner

R. C. Mullins, attorney

C. B. Western, collector

H. E. Symons, assessor and clerk;

B. F. Johnson, O. C. Karle, C. S. McMillan and L. O. Knapp, aldermen

L. O. Hilme, O. T. Cohen and R. H. Morris, physicians

T. B. Bowyer, Will Purdin and Nathan McKenzie, justices of the peace.

H. J. Wigginton, postmaster.

Town of Browning

F. R. Duncan, mayor

J. J. Garrett, marshal

E. D. Fields, attorney

W. T. McCoun, collector

Millard Hall, street commissioner

R. W. Russell, B. L. Powell, K. M. Duncan and A. M. Elliott, aldermen

S. P. Darr clerk

B. D. Bolling, treasurer

John Goble, postmaster

Township Constables

W. F. Baker St. Catherine

W.M. Oakes, Browning

James D. Mizner, Brookfield

E.P. Richardson, Bucklin

J. O. Ogan, Meadville

F. M. Doskins & D. C. Monroe, Brookfield

John Y. Smith, Chula

Carl F. Sayles, Laclede

T. M. Davis, Linneus

T. V. Reid. Marceline

D. C. Hague, New Boston

Joe Calvin, Meadville

A. Lowther, St. Catherine