(No bonds were entered in this book 1842-1848) Guardianship Bonds: includes bonds posted by men appointed or elected to some county offices, most of the bonds in book "A" covered persons appointed as guardians to minors.Monroe county was formed from Ralls Co. In 1831, making these bonds among the earliest records for the county. Only a small percentage of those who died left wills. For those who died intestate, an administrator was appointed by the court, but the early probate records seldom list the heirs of an intestate estate, which makes the guardianship bonds especially useful, While guardians were appointed only for the minor heirs, sometimes there were no older children. Knowing the names of even some of the heirs often helps to identify older members of the family. In the early records, the term "guardian" is used. Later, the bonds often used the term "guardian and curator", meaning guardian of the person and curator of the estate. It will be noted that often a parent was appointed guardian of his or her own children, which usually meant that those children had inherited property from someone else, for instance, a grandparent, or the other parent. The court appointed a guardian for a minor under 14 years of age. At 14, he could choose his own guardian, subject to the approval of the court. The term "infant" is used in court records for a minor, and does not necessarily mean a baby. Also, sometimes a guardian or curator was appointed for a person judged incapable of handling his own affairs. The abbreviation "G&C" mean guardian and curator, and "sec." for names of those who posted security for the bond. Page numbers run to 200, and then, they begin 101 again. So we have used the correct numbers for the first 200 pages, and then used 2-101, 2-102, etc., to indicate that the reference is to the second series of numbers. Click each
letter for the names beginning with that letter ABERNATHY, Gabriel Miles, John Richard, Henry Joseph Benton and Ann Amanda, minor heirs of George W. Abernathy, decd. G&C, Granville Snell. Sec, Thomas Poage. 3 June 1850. (2-117) ABERNATHY, Gabriel M., John R., Joseph B., and Elizabeth A. A., minor heirs of George Abernathy. G&C, James E. Poage. Sec, Thomas Poage. 12 Feb 1853. (2-188). ABERNATHY,,James R., was
appointed commissioner for the sale of township school lands in Monroe Co.
Sec, Samuel H. Smith, David E. Stone, Isham Belcher, John M. Burton,
Charles Burton, James Mappin & John Burton. 4 June 1831. (4) James R.
Abernathy was appointed county treasurer. Sec, Geo. Glenn
& Joseph Foreman. 7 May 1833. (25-26) James R. Abernathy was appointed
county treasurer. Sec, Daniel McSwain & Pleasant Ford. 5 Feb
1834.02) James R. Abernathy was appointed co. treasurer for present year
until his successor is appointed. Sec, Samuel Crow, 4 Feb 1835.(66) ACUFF, Joseph & Columbus H., minor heirs under 14 of Christopher C. Acuff, decd. G&.C, Mildred Acuff. Sec, Gerrod Foulk & J. W.Callis 7 Mar 1854. (2-225) ADAMS, Lowrey, Wil1iam Adams, decd. Guardian, Archibald Rice. Sec, James C. Fox & Edward M. Holden. 8 Nov 1831. (8) ADAMS, Shelton, infant heir of William Adams, decd. Guardian, Jerre Jackson. Sec, Charles S. Clay & Stephen Hightower. 28 Jan 1833. (12) ADKINSON, Joel, Mary Ann, Elizabeth, and Thomas J., minor heirs over 14 years of Jeptha Adkinson, decd., chose for G&C, George Cunningham. Sec, N. W. Dawson & Gabriel Woodward. 2 Feb. 1852. (2-150) ADKISSON, John, was appointed G&C of his infant children, to wit: Susan, Elizabeth, Sarah Jane, George C., & John B., minors under age 14. Sec, A. J. Adkisson. 5 Dec 1353. (2-231) ALEXANDER, Armstead A., James C., Sarah F., Mary M., and Eliza, infant heirs of John Alexander, decd. Guardian, William J. Howell. Sec, Thomas Nelson. 9 Feb 1848. (183) ALLEN, Robert W., was appointed G&C for his son, Charles T. Allen. t Sec, George Cunningham. 3 Oct 1853. (2-205) ALLISON, Arabella S., infant child under age 14 of Alexander Allison, decd. G&C, James W. Allison. Sec, B. C. Pollard & Jonas Crigler. 9 Aug 1843 (192) Allison, Felix M., minor heir of Alexander Allison, G& C, John B. Allison. Sec, Stephen M. Woodson. I Oct 1849. (2-110) ASHCRAFT, Henry, was chosen guardian by William Thomas Ashcraft, minor child of said Henry. Sec, Thomas Wood. 3 Feb 1340. (144) Henry Ashcraft was chosen G&C of James M. & Charlotte A., over age 14, and appointed G & C of Margrite Ashcraft, under 14, children of said Henry Ashcraft. Sec, Ephraim Ashcraft & Nimrod Ashcraft. 9 Nov 1854 (2-270) AUSTIN, Richard D., elected assessor for 1338. Sec, Peter Carter. 25 Dec 1837. (91) BAKER, Eliza, of unsound mind. Guardian, James W. Herndon. Sec, Edmond Daniel. I Nov 1841. (174) BALLEW, William S., over
age 14, and Charles S. Ballew, under 14, infant heirs of Charles Ballew,
decd. G&C, William H. Dulaney. Sec, James Ownby. 3 Nov
1851. BARNS, Nancy A., James S.,
Darwink & William C., minor heirs of Benjamin F. Barns, decd. G&C,
Joseph H. Greer. Sec, John Willis & Edward A. Dawson.16 Mar
1854. BARTON, Stephen was appointed guardian of James S., Thomas S. Andrew J., Elijah B., William S., Wesley S., & Elizabeth L. minor heirs of said 'Stephen Barton. Sec, George Poage. 9 Feb 1833. (108) BATES, Isaac, appointed
guardian of Sarah Jane, Amanda B., Isaac Newton, John Mitchell, Susan B. ,
11illiam Maddison, Joseph B., Samuel B., minor heirs of said Isaac Bates.
Sec, William H. BEALL, Isaac, minor heir over 14 years of Thomas A. Beall, decd? chose Fielden Hagan for G&C. Sec, Robert Dickson. 8 Feb 1854. (2-215) BEARD, Amanda, Robert
& Harvey, minor heirs of Robert M. Beard, decd. Guardian, Bird
S. Webb. Sec., Thomas B. Greer & Henry Howell. 11 Mar 1341.
(i66) Robert M. & Harvey C. Beard, minor BELL, Larkin G., was appointed curator of his two children, Mary Jane & Henry C. Bell. Sec, Catlett J. Collins, 30 Aug 1852.(2-164) BERRY, Sarah E., minor heir of Robert Berry, decd. Guardian, Jas. M.S. Berry. Sec, Charles Berry. 6 Feb 1839. (121) BIGGS, Marion, was elected
sheriff, first Mon. of Aug 1852. Sec, Robert Gwyn, Thompson Holliday,
Jeremiah V. Haydon, John H. Hawkins, Samuel Crow, William H. Holliday
& Joseph Holliday. 9 BLAIN, Amanda, age 12 on 18 Nov next; Francis Blain, age 10 on 30 Oct next; Thomas P. Blain, age 9 on 6 Dec next, minor heirs of Oril A. Blain, decd. Guardian, John IV. Carter. Sec, James McKinney & Charles H. Carter. 28 Jan 1837. (88) Amanda Blain chose Sarah Carter for guardian, and court appointed her guardian of Francis N. & Thomas P. Blain, all minor heirs of Ovil A. Blain, decd. Sec, Bailey Brown & James McKinney. 5 Nov i840. (154) BOWER, Charles H., made county treasurer. Sec, Joseph Hagan, David W. Majors, Richard D. Austin, John Heard, Jesse H. Pavey & Joel Maupin. 14 Feb 1839. (124) BOZARTH, Andrew Thomas, infant son of Thomas R. Bozarth, decd. G&C, James A. Bozarth. Sec, Ludson G. Patrick & Francis Harrison. 4 Dec 1854. (2-274) BRINDLE, John, "boy of color of the age of ten" is bound by the court to Jonathan Gore until age 21 on the 20 June 1847. Sec, Adam Shropshire. 18 Nov 1836. (63-69) BRYAN, Polly, appointed G&C of George B., Joseph H., Polly Ann, & Sarah F. Bryan, minors. Sec, James Bryan & William E. Power. I May 1848. (185) BRYANT, Samuel Stanfield, minor heir o-j' James Bryant, decd. Guardian, Milton Wilkerson. Sec, James W. Herndon & Robert H. Buchanan. 7 Feb 1848. (182) BRYANT, John S., inf ant child of David E. Bryant, decd, under age 14. G&C, Ambrose Crutcher. Sec, Dulaney & Robert Enoch. 2 Jan 1855. (2-275) BUCHANAN, Robert E. was
elected 4n Aug 1850, coroner for Monroe Co. for 2 y-rs. Sec, Benj.
L. Quarles & Thos. J. Gillaspy. 9 Aug 1850@ (2-153) ... coroner
for 2 yrs. Sec, B. C. Pollard. 9 Aug BUCKNER, Ann ild., Lucy F., Sally D., Francis, I.,4illiarn, F.T., Harriet G., & Malinda 1,1., orphans of Charles Buckner, decd. Guardian, Geo. M. Buckner. Sec, Pleasant Ford 1311 John W. Mason. 5 !-,ay 1834.(46) Lucy T. Buckner, infant orphan of Charles Buckner, decd. Guardian, Susan E. Buckner. Sec, John 3o@,jer & Thos@ N-', ller, 5 Feb 1835.(52) BUCKNER, Ann Mariah C, Mil-inda Madison Buckner, minor heirs of Francis T. Buckner. decd. Guardian, 'Seo. M1. Buckner. Sec, John Heard & Thomas Pool. Fe!D 1839. U18) BULLOCK, Nathaniel S., appointed G&C of his own children: Robert James, Sarah 1-7,11 en, Susan Mary & Virginia Bullock. Sec, John Davis a James Porter. 3 Sept- 1849. (2--108) Nathan S. Bullock was chosen guardian by his own child, Robert James Bullock, over age 14. Sec, Wm @ G. Moore a Rees Davis. 5 Nov 1849. (2-112) BURNETT, Elizabeth A.9 Duncan 3., John Q.A., Theodore F., & Ugenia H. Burnett, infant children of Felix G. Burnett, decd. G&C, Wm. J. Howell. Sec, Jas. C. Burnett. 4 Aug 1852. (2-158) BURTON, Susan, guardian of
Leomi Burton, minor heir of John N. Burton, decd. Sec, Francis
McCord & John N. Parsons. 7 May 1839. (125) Leorni Burton, minor
oprhan of John N. Burton, decd. BURTON, Richard B., appointed county collector for year 1833. Sec, Charles Burton, Thomas Nelson & John Burton. 4 Feb 1633.(14) BURTON, John, appointed county assessor for year 1833. Sec, James R. Abernathy. 4 Feb 1833. (1-3) ...appointed county surveyor. Sec, Edward Tydings "O Simon Burton. 14 Sept 1835. (67) ... elected county surveyor. Sec., Preston Swinney a Chesley Swinney. 31 Dec 1839. (139) CALDWELL, John G., was appointed county treasurer by the county court. Sec, W. H. Dulaney, John A. Vaughn, Alfred Wilson, G. Snell, Jefferson Bridgford, W. D. Blakey. 23 Dec 1354. (2-277) CALDWELL, Robert, was appointed --ounty assessor for year Sec, Richard D. Austin. 2 Pug 1836. (78) CAPP, Phillip, chose for G&C, M_Jch:-'.el P. Capp, and he was appointed G&C of George L. Capp, both infant heirs of Michael Capp, decd. Sec, John H. Wood & Elisha F(?) Wood. 6 Feb 1854. (2-211) CARDWELL, George, was appointed G&C of James Cardwell & John A. Cardwell, I I minors. Sec, William Gosney. May 1848. (187) CARR, James, was appointed Public Administrator for County for two years. Sec, Robert P. Stout & Robert Gwyn. 21 Apr 1849. (2-106) CARROLL, Sarah J., infant heir of William Carroll, decd. GaC@ Tirey Ford. Sac, James T. Heathman & Jackson Heathman. 5 May 1854. (2-238) Tilmon Carroll, infant heir of -Wm. Carroll, decd, under age 14. G&C, Francis Harrison. Sac, Charles Harrison & William Gibson. 4 Dec 1354. (2-275) CARICO, Joseph "'I., ml nor heir of 'i,alter Carico, decd. Guardian, Ignatius Carico. Sac, Wm. Lawrence. 'LO Mar I-341. (161 CARTER, Ashley (noi,,i in his 13th yr), minor heir o-L' Solomon Carter, decd. G&C, John W. Carter. Sac, Peter Carter & james Vaughn. 5 Jan 1835. (49) CARTER, Ashley, was appoin-Ited G,&C of "the effects" of his four infant children: Gertrude, Taylor, Colonel -?-- John @,,T. Carter. Sec, Charles H. Carter. 8 Mar 1853. (2-191) CARTER, Mary Elizabeth,
Josafine, 7ohn Robertson, T!illiam Henry, CARTER, Marinda, minor heir, over ace 14, of P-ter Carter, chos a for G&C, Wm. S. Carter. Sac, Ashley Carter. 5 Aor 1853.(2-197) CHT@@IN, Malinda, minor
orphan of Alexander Chinn, decd. Guardian, Gec@ B. Leachman.
Sec, avill-liar-, 7,1'. Penn. 1 Feb 1841. (162) COLE, Elizabeth & Member, minor heirs of Samuel Cole, decd. G., Peter Cole. Sac, John Dungan & joseph Cole. 15 June 1840.(151) COLLIN,S, Howard, Miller, Harriet & IMary J., infant heirs, under 141 of James Collins, decd. G&C, James T. Hart. Sac, '141liam Ridgeway O., C. True. 3 Apr 1,354. (2-226) Jackson Collins, son of James Collins, decd, over aqe 14, chose 'i.-Ii-I'Liam LTI . Gibson for G@'@C. Sec, Charles Harrison & James T. Heart. 4 Dec 1854.(2-273) COWHERD, William, was appointed guardian of Reuben Cowherd, found by jury to be insane. Sec, Henry Lee. 7 1,iay 1838. (94) CREED, Jefferson & Madison, children of Elijah Creed, Jr., decd. On Nov 2, 1830, Daniel McSwain was appointed to be their guardian. He posted bond, 7 Mar 1331, with his sec, William Salley. On 14 Aug 1832, on motion of Augustin Creed, Ralls Co. court ordered Daniel McSwain to make a transcript of all accounts re above, and transmit it to the clerk of Monroe Co., for final settlement. On 2 Nov 1830 in Ralls Co., Augustin Creed was appointed guardian of person & estate of Juniatta Creed, Wilkinson Creed, Eliza Creed, and Louisa Ann Creed, infant heirs of Elijah Creed, Junr., decd. Sec, Nathaniel Riggs. 7 Mar i83i. (16-18) CREED, George, was
appointed guardian of Thomas J. Creed who has CREWS, Daniel, was chosen GCOXC by Mary and Taletha Crews, over age 14, and appointed G&C of Julia Ann, Martha Jane, William H., Evelina A., James G., and John D. Crews, under age 14. Sec, jas. G. Crews. 4 Nov 1850. (2-125) CREWS, Evelina A., infant heir under 14 of Daniel M. Crews, decd. G&C, Daniel M. Dulaney. Sec, Thos. Crutcher. 7 Feb 1854.(2-214) CRET ' TS, Daniel, minor heir of John :,,!. Crews, decd, under age 14. G&C, John S. Conyers. Sec, John A. Snell & DaV4d Moore. 8 Feb 1853. (2-184-5) CRIGLER, Susan Jane, was chosen G&C by Jane Crigler, minor heir 01L George L. Crigler, deccd, over age 14. 8 Nov 1354. Sec, Jas. Camplin & Robert L,, Crigler. (2-269) CROU, Catharine 1,!., was chosen G(@;4C of George 11. Q Franklin D. Crow, over age 14, and appointed G('<C of James P. Crow, under 14, heirs of Samuel Crow, decd. Sec@, John S. Crow & Samuel A. Rawlings. 6 Nov 1854. (2-266) CRUTCHER, Thomas, made sheriff & ex-officio collector. Sec, Geo.'' Glenn, John M. Glenn, William Crutcher, Ambrose Crutcher & Peter Carter. I Jan 1841. (159-160) ... elected sheriff a ex-officio collector for 1842. Sec, Charles Crutcher, Ambrose Crutcher, George Glenn & William Orr. 10 Jan 1842. (179-180) CUNNTNGHA11,1i, Andrew J.,
was appointed G&C of his infant child, DAMRELL, Alphias, over age 14, chose Richard M. Powers for G&C. Sec, Henry Johnston & Thomas Poage. 6 Jan 1851. (2-127) DANIEL, Henry G. a Curtis R., heirs of Edmund Daniel, decd., over age 14, chose Frances Daniel their G&C. Sec, Edmund R. Daniel. 6 June 1854. (2-239) DAVIS, Mary Ann & Alsey, infant heirs of Evan Davis, under age of 14. GL04C, Martin Dunkin. Sec, Jas. R. Abernathy. 8 Jan 1850.(2-114) DEAN, William Thomas L Jane, infant heirs of Greenberry Dean, under age 14. Guardian, James M. Dean. Sec., Albert G. Sanders. 5 June 1848. (190) DENNY, Isabella, Sarah G., Samuel M., Amanda, Catharine, Emma, a William S. , heirs of George W. Denny, decd, al I under age 14. G&C, Jacob Painter. Sec, Thomas Poage ".X John Vandeventer. 4 Oct 1853. (2-262) DICKSON, George, was appointed G&C of Elizabeth Jane Dickson & James L. Dickson, his minor heirs to receive of the estate (cont) DICKSON (cant.) of John Calvert, decd, a legacy due said heirs. Sec, Robert Smithey. 14 Dec 1841. (178) DICKSON, Josiah T., was chosen as G&C by Susan Dickson, and appointed GaC of Elizabeth Dickson, "who is non compus mentus", minor heirs of James Dickson, decd. 5 May 1854. (2-240) DOCTOR, Martin H., James H., and John R., minor heirs of John Doctor, decd, chose Mahala Collins "or GC'C. Sec, William Ridgeway. 3 Oct 1853. (2-206) John & Harvey Doctor, minor heirs of John Doctor, decd, chose James T. Hart for G&C. Sec, William Ridgeway.& C. H. True. (2-228) Martin, John & Harvey Doctor, minor heirs of John Doctor, decd, under age 14. G&C, James T. Hart. Sec, '-fill-Jam Ridgeway & C@ H. True. (2-234) DONALDSON, Robert M., minor heir of Robert Donaldson, decd. Guardian, Richard D. Power. Sec, Richard D. Austin & Presley Wilkerson. I June 1835. Andrew C. Donaldson, heir of Robert Donaldson, decd, chose Milton T ' ;Jlkerson for guardian. Sec, Geo. Shortridge a Urban East. 2 June 1835. (54) DONALDSON, William, was appointed G&-C of his infant heirs, Lucy Jane, Sarah Ann, Joseph, and Matilda Francis Donaldson. Sec, James Dowell. 6 May 135-1. (2-136) DOOLEY, Henry & Elizabeth, minor heirs of Gideon Dooley, decd. G&C, Job Dooley. Sec, Samuel W. Johnson. 2 Dec 1850. (2-126) DOOLEY, Hiram, was elected in Aug 1854, constable of Washington AvTD for two years. Sec, Pleasant Hardwick & Thomas Hardwick, 3 Aug 1854. (2-251) DRAKE, Benjamin, was elected in Aug i854, constable of South Fork Twp for 2 years. Sec, Samuel Drake & John Vandeventer. 15 Sept 1854. (2-256) DRYDEN, Margaret & William, minor heirs of James Dryden, decd. Guardian, Mason Wilkerson. Sec, Milton Wilkerson & James M. Donaldson. 11 Sept 1837. (89) DUCKWORTH, Preston W., was chosen guardian by William Duckworth, and appointed guardian of said William , Elizabeth, Franklin (Francis), and Robert Duckworth, minor heirs of Simon Duckworth, decd. Sec, James C. Moore, Andrew J. Duckworth & Peter Talbert. 3 Nov 1841. (175) DULANEY, Daniel, was elected in Aug 1348, sheriff of Monroe Co. Sec, Joel Maupin, Alexander Thompson, Benedict J. Gough, Levi Gore, G. U. Moss, A. M. Greenwell, Pleasant McCann, Thomas H. Hinson & 1-1. H. Dulaney. 21 Aug 1848. (193) ...elected sheriff of Monroe Co. Sec, Joel Maup-in, George W. Moss, Thomas H. Hinson, John Moore, Pleasant McCann, Levi Goss, A. M. Greenwell, Drury Ragsdall & William G. Moore. 10 Aug 1850. (2-123) DULANEY, Susan F., minor heir, over 14, of W.' G. Dulaney, chose James Ownby for G(,VC. Sec, John McNutt. 3 Apr 1854. (2-227) Mary Elizabeth Dulaney, infant heir of Wm-1G. Dulaney, dec& G&C, Bailey Dent. Sec, James Ownby. 7 Nov 1854. (2-267) ,nUNTCAN, Susan A., minor heir of H. H. Duncan @ Susannah Duncan, jecd, over age 14, chose -for G&C, G. T. Giles. Sec? Richard porter & Harvey Giles@ a July 1851. (2-139) essor for year 1832. His sec, Urban EAST, Daniel, appointe ass (9) ... appointed collector East & William Runkle. 6 Feb 1832. a Nelson for year 1334. Sec, Thomas Thompson, Richard Sharp Grogan. 4 Feb 1334.
Sec, FIKE, Elizene R., infant heir of Polly Fike, decd, over age 14, chose Robert Simpson for G&C. Sec, James H. Simpson & James Woods. a June 1854@ (2-241) FOX, James C@, was
appointed Town Commissioner for the county seat of Monroe Co. Sec, 'i.-jilliam
". @',ilcox' Elias Bozarth, James S. McGee, Ephraim John S, D-,-cC-'ee FRUIT, Enoch, ,,jas chosen
guardian by James Henry & Martha Fruit,, G. mccre. 9 Dec 1839. (137) FRUIT, Israel, minor heir of Enoch Fruit, decd. G&C, Joseph Heizer. Sec, John Hanna "I Robert H. Buchanan. 1 May 1848.(183) John Hanna was appointed G(':C of Mary Ellen Fruit, infant dau. of Enoch Fruit. Sec, R. H. Buchanan & Joseph Heizer. 1 May 1348. (189) Margaret Fruit, minor heir of, Enoch Fruit, decd. GaC, Benj. F. Davis. Sec, Thomas Crutcher. 6 June 1348. (197) Enoch Fruit, infant heir of Enoch Fruit, decd, over age 14. G&C, lv,jm. ,I rshall . Aug 1849.(2-109) !a Sec, Nimrod Bybee & Lewis Crigler. 6 GAINS, John B., appointed
collector for year 1835. Sec, William GILBERT, Samuel, was chosen curator of his children, William, Silas M. I & Darkus Gilbert, over age 14. Sec, Thomas Barker & G@ S. Morehead. 6 June
1853. (2-198) GILLASP@Y, Thomas J., was elected constable of Jefferson Twp. for two years. Sec, Amos Ladd, Martin J. Clark, M. J. U. Damrell, & A. T. Damrell. 8 Aug 1854.
(2-250) Sharp & Albert G. Williams. 3 Oct 1843. (194) I-LASCOCK, Adelaide J.,
minor heir under 14 of Adam B. Glascock, GLASSCOCK, Henryl
appointed curator of John S., Ann, Henry, Mary, Glasscock, decd., and the said Henry Glasscock. Sec, Alfred Wilson. 3 Mayi1852. (2-155) GLENN, Hester J.,& James F., minor heirs of Hugh Glenn, decd., I ate of Augusta Co., Va. Guardian, Geo. Glenn. Sec, Samuel Bryant. 3 Feb 1836. (70) GREEN, Frances S., minor heir over 14 of Samuel W. Greeng chose for G&C, Joseph H. Green. Sec, Bird S. @-.Tebb & Stephen M. Woodson. 9 Nov 1852. (2-169-170) GRIGSBY, Joseph Elisha, minor heirs of John S. Grigsby, decd, Guardian, John White. Sec, JaRes 1,1. White a Joseph R. Mallory, 23 Apr 1836. (71) Joseph & Elisha Grigsby, minor heirs of John S@ Grigsby, decd. Guardian, Sarah Grigsby. Sec, Joseph White & James M. White. 4 Sept 1839. (133) Joseph & Elisha Grigsby, minor heirs of John S. Grigsby, decd. Guardian, George W. Clayton. Sec, James Herndon & Richard H. Buckhanan. 5 Nov 1840. (157) Joseph Elisha L., minor heirs of John S. Grigsby, decd, chose for G&C, James M. @jlhite. Sec, Bart-lette G. White. 2 Sept 1851. (2-145) GRIMES, Granville P., Henrietta E., Lesie C. a- Mary E., minor heirs of Geraldine M. Grimes, decd. Curator, Avery Grimes. Sec Samuel Curtright. 6 Aug 1851. (2-143) GROGAN, Lucinda, age 6 years on the 16 Oct 1833, heir of Bartholomew Grogan, decd, was bound by the court to Thomas Hall as apprentice or servant until age 13 on 16 Oct 1845. His seC7 Samuel Curtright. 19 Oct 1833. (19-20) On 8 Nov 1833, court bound Nelson Grogan, age 5 years on the 24 Feb next, heir of Bartholomew Grogan, decd, to William Morison until age 21 on the 24th Feb i330- (21-22) Nelson Grogan, Junr., minor heir of Bartholomew Grogan, decd. Guardian, Spencer Grogan. 1 May i884. (40-41) William, Lucinda, Nelson & Narcissa , minor heirs of Bartholomew Grogin, decd. Guardian, Jeremiah Grogin. Sec, Nelson Grogin(Grogan). 8 Feb 1838. (98) HAGAN, Nancy, appointed guardian of Rebecca Ann a Freby? Hagan, minor heirs of Silvester Hagan, decd. Sec, Jonathan Gore & Jos. Hagan. 12 Sept 1837. (90) Rebecca Ann & Weacy? Jane, minor orphans of Sylvester Hagan, decd. Guardian, William G. Moore. Sec, Jonathan Gore. 6 Nov 7-839. (135) HALEY, Elizabeth Pollard, and Sarah Catherine Haley, heirs of Jane F. Pollard, under age 14. GCO-IC, Tlilliam Clark. Sec, William M@ Pollard & Levi Shortridge. 3 Oct 1850. (2-124) HARDESTY, Margaret Ann, appointed G&C of Mary Jane, George Thomas & Martha Elizabeth, in-ant heirs of William Hardesty, decd. Sec, John S. Buckman & Jos. R. Buckman. 3 Oct 1848.(196) HARDY, Samuel, was appointed assessor for 1837. Sec 9 A. W. Holmes. 5 Dec 1836. (79) HARRISON9 Mary Jane, minor
heir of Samuel Harrison, decd. HARRISON, Mary Jane, minor. Guardian, Gabriel Jones. Sec, Caleb Woods. 7 May 1838. (97) HAYDEN, Matilda C., infant child, under age 14, of James W. Hayden, decd. G&C, Benedict J. Winsett. Sec, Alexander Winsett. 9 Aug 1854. (2-257) 9 Mm HEARS1,1AN, Charles C.
"O William M., under age 14, and George Hearsman, over age 14, minor
heirs of Joseph Hearsman, decd. HENNEGAR, Cass 7ames,
infant heirs under age 14, of Samuel HERNDON, Curtiss, minor orphan of John Herndon, decd. Guardian, John Cissell. Sec, John Tong. 13 Sept 1841. (172) HERNDON, Benjamin F., minor heir of Zacharhy Herndon, decd. G&C, Thomas J. Gillaspy. Sec, James Goss. 8 Jan 1851. (2-129) James M., child of Zachariah Herndon, over age 14, chose for G&C, James @rvl. Herndon. Sec, Samuel H. Herndon L'X E. N. Daniel. 6 Aug 1852. (2-161) Benjamin F., infant child of Zachry Herndon. G&C, John W. Herndon. Sec, E. G. B. McNutt. 4 Jan 1854. (2-2 3 3 ) HILL, Nancy, age IS in May next, heir of Abraham Hill, chose in court for guardian, Wesley Hill. Sec, Stephen Hill. 28 Feb 1837. (87) HOWARD, James, chose James T. Heathman for,guardian, and he was appointed by court for Hellen J., Jemima, Elizabeth & Nancy Howard, all minor heirs of John Howard, decd. Sec, Benjamin Heathman & Henry L. Wigginton. 3 Nov 1841. (170) HOWELL, Joseph, was appointed G&C of his own children, Louis (sx, Julia Howell, infants under 14. Sec, John M. Livsey. 6 Feb 1849. (2-101) HUNTER, Jane, appointed guardian of John Hunter, minor heir of James Hunter, decd. Sec, R. S. Wilson. 19 June 1837. (100) HUSTON, Joseph, was appointed G&C of William Huston, found to be of unsound mind. Sec, Thomas J. Crawford, Bartlett G. White, John Vandevente-r, Willis Samuels & William, H. Brown. Bond $207000. 3 Mar 1852. (2-154) JOHNSON, John, posts bond with sec, Daniel East. He agrees to pay or cause to be paid to Ervin Johnson & Nancy Johnson, children of said Johnson, money now or later to come to them by virtue of a will by Joseph (blank), decd "to the heirs of Cammel decd", when the said Ervin & Nancy become of age. 17 Mar 1834.(48) JONES, Balus, was appointed by court guardian of Julia & James W. Jones, his minor heirs, to collect what may be due them from the estate of James Sparks, decd. Sec, William Jones. 9 Feb 1838(106) JONES, William, was appointed guardian of Nancy, James, Lucy Ann, Silas, William, G. Jones, & Julia F. Jones, minor heirs of said William Jones, to recover their part of the estate of James Sparks, Sr., decd. Sec, Balus Jones. 9 Feb 1838. (107) KEITH9 W. T., inf ant heir
of W. T. Keith, decd. G&C, James D. Lipscomb. Sec, R. T.
Smith, 3 Apr 1854. (2-229) John T., infant heir of W. T. Keith, decd.
G&C, Robert T. Smith. Sec, J. D. Lipscomb. 3 Apr 1854. (2-230)
John T., infant heir of William KEITH, (cont.) Sec, James
D. Lipscomb. 3 Apr 1854. (2-235) ID. Lipscomb. Sec, R@ T.
Smith Wesley Wilson. 3 Apr 1854. (2-236) infant
heirs of @Ijlliam Kilby, decd. Guardian, John
Willis. Sec, Pleasant McCann. 2 July 1849. (2-107) nted G&C of Susan C.,
infant heir under KIPPEF, Kipper, decd. Sec, John C. Kipper. 2 May 1853. 1 age IZ, of john Kipper, and he was appo Kipper I minor heirs of John Kipper, decd@ Sec, Robert Gwyn & John @haNi@i. 6 Mar 1854. (2-221 & 222) KIRKLAND, Eliza Ann & Margaret Elizabeth, under age 14, infant heirs of Jacob Kirkland, decd. G&C, Jacob Kirkland. Sec, Richard D. Austin & 'James M. Dean. 6 Dec 1352. (2-172 a 173) Elizabeth & Margaret W. Kirkland, minor heirs under 14, of Jacob Kirkland, decd. G&C, viiiiJam Styles. Sec, James M. Dean Z: John Lasley. 7 Mar 1353.
(2-169) Sept 1836. (74) (2-217) Enger Lampton, minor heir over 14 of W. S. Lampton, decd, chose Thomas J. Reed for G2CC. Sec, Benjamin 7,111. Lai-,pton. 10 Feb 1854. (2-219) Narcissa, infant heir of Whortan S. Lampton, decd, over age 14, chose Thomas J. Reed for her G&C. Sec, Thomas S. Brandus. 6 Nov 1854.
(2-263) gle, Ignatius Carrico,
& Joseph M. 3 Jan 1854. (2-209) John @,7. CS;4 Celia A. Lee, Edward M. Holloway. G&C and he was appointed for David E., Senj. F . & Henry L. Lee, minors under 14. Sec, William Vandeventer & B. E. Cowherd. 6 Feb 1854. (2-212) 1839. (120) McCANN, John W., was appointed surveyor of Monroe Co. because of the resignation of Geo. Glenn. Sec, Samuel G. Glenn & Samuel H. Pool. 6 Mar 1854. 2-220 & 221) McCANN, Llilliam W., appointed Notary Public for Monroe Co. 22 Oct 1866@ Sec, John W. McCann 1-1 William M. Coulter. 22 Oct 1866. 2-28 3 McCANN9 Robert D., was appointed curator o-IL: estate of Martha M. ,McCann, his infant child by his first wife, under age 14. Sec, john D. McCann. 6 Dec 1354. (2-280) iMcCONNELL, Richard B.,
John B. & Samuel C., minor heirs of Nancy McIC-ONNELL, Samuel C.,
was appointed curator of estate of Robert McCONNELL, Samuel C.,
infant child over 14 of Samuel C. McConnell, McGEE, Hugh J., minor heir of John McGee, decd, chose guardian, Joseph Sproul. Sec, Jos. Sproul, Sr. 10 Feb 1842. (ISI) McGEE, Thomas J., minor heir over age 14 of John McGee, decd, chose James L. McGee for G&C. Sec, Joseph Ryan. 6 Mar 1854. (2-223 & 224) McGEE, John S., was
appointed county assessor for year 1831. Sec, James H. Smith &
John McKamey. 5 1-1ar 1831. (1) .. appointed county surveyor by county
court. Sec, John McKamey, Ezekiel M 4 McKINNEY1 Julia IN1.9
infant heir under 14 of H. W. McKinney, decd. MADDOX, George A., was appointed G&C of Jesse W. Maddox, infant child, under age 14, of Susan Catherine Maddox, decd, formerly Susan C. Greer. "'Sec' Peyton Linton, Senr., & Joseph H. Greer. 10 Aug 1854. (2-243) MALLORY, Benjamin, was appointed G&C of his child, Henry Thomas Mallory under age of 14 yrs. Sec, Isaac Coppedge & James Bryan. I May 1848. (136) mAPPIN, Mary, infant child
of James Mappin, decd, under 14. G&C, William A. Noonan.
Sec, Thomas H. Noonan. 4 Apr 1849. (2-102) John Mappin, infant heir of
James Mappin, decd. G&C, Henry Thomas. Sec, Martin P.
Goodrich & Hiram W. Powell. (cont.) A T MARR, Mary Margaret, minor of Henry Marr, decd. Guardian, Richerson(Richardson) 1,liarr. Sec, John Harrison. 9 Feb 1838.(109) MARTIN, Virginia, infant heir, under 14, of Gilson Martin, G&C, Wesley D. Sizemore. Sec, Mary S. Martin. 3 Oct 1853. (2-207) MAUPIN, Mary A.S., chose for guardian, John Harrison. Sec, Richason S. Marr., 9 Feb 1838. (11@0) IpIAUPIN, Lilburn G., was appointed curator of his infant child, Sarah P. Vlau@)in- Sec, Joel Maupin & George Glenn. 7 Dec 1852. (2-175 & 176) MIDDLETON, William, Mary Jane & Hanna Ann, minor heirs of Robert Middleton, decd, chose in open court for guardian, John W. Campbell. Sec, Hugh Itilithers & John Carroll. 2 Nov 1835. (57) Mary Jane & Hanna Ann Middleton chose for guardian, William M. Sharp. Sec, Joel Maupin & Davis Ashby. 7 Aug 1839. (130) MILES9 Fillisha, dau. of
Francis Miles, decd, chose James S. Sec, Thomas A. Pierceall.. 4 Dec 1854. (278) i ' I Thomas J. Miles. Sec, James A. Miles. 9 Aug 1854. (2-242) MILLER, David A., found by
jury to be of unsound mind. Guardian, MILLER, Ann Eliza, minor
heir of Dulaney Miller, decd. Guardian, MILLER, Polina B., was appointed guardian of persons & estates of Caroline Maranda 8, Laura Virginia, infant heirs of William H. Miller, decd. Sec, Stephen M. Woodson & Ephraim Smith, 6 Nov 1854. (2-261) Martha.A., minor heir of William H. Miller, decd, ove@tlage 14, chose William T. Coppedge for G0,C. Sac, Larkin Watters & Isaac Coppedge. 10 Nov 1854. (2-271) MILLION, Irwin, was elected in Aug 1854, constable of Woodlawn Twp, for 2@years. Sec,@Travis,Million & George F. Palmer. 16 Aug 1854. (2-255) MOORE, James P. was elected in Aug 1854, county coroner for two years. Sec, N. S. Appleget, John W. Long, & John C. McBride. 12 Aug 1854. (2-246),; MOORE, John Th ma 0
infant heir of Thomas C. Moore, decd, under
14. 1 MORAN, James F., minor
heir of William Moran, dead, chose Edmond MORRISON, Dorothy Ann, minor heir of James Morrison, dead. Guardian, Samuel Curt'-right. Sec, Geo, M. Buckner. 3 Feb 1840. (145) MOSS, David H., minor heir
of James !@Ioss, dead, chose Geo. VI. mUNCY, Martha E., Thomas J. & Joseph N., minor heirs of John P'luncy, dead. G&C, John S. Conyers. Sec, Preston Swinney & Jas. Ownby. 6 Mar 1854. (2-222 & 223) MURPHY, Elizabeth & Susan, infant heirs, under age 14, of Abraham Murphy, dead. Sec, Fielder J. Hagan. Sec, Joseph Hagan. 4 Oct 1854. (2-208) MURPHY, William F., was elected constable of Indian Creek Twp in Aug 1854, for 2 years. Sec. Elijah Peck & Silas Engle, 12 Aug 1854. (2-253) NEWSOM, Sarah Elizabeth & Mary Catharine, infant heirs of Nathan Newsom, dead. G&C, Robert G@.,iynn. Sec, Francis McCord & 1.1illiam G. Moore. 5 May 1851. (2-135) NEWSOM, Milton & Erasmus, infant heirs of Allen Newsom, dead. GC1'X'C, Henry Johnson. Sec, John N. Parsons & Jefferson T. Marr. 9 Mar 1853. (2-192) NOEL, Moses, was chosen G&C by Robert W. Noel, over age 14, and appointed for Nancy Lee & Corrella Jane, infant children of B.F. Noel. Sec, B. F. Noel. 9 Nov 1852. (2-168 a 169) NOONAN, Catharine H. & John C. VJ., minor heirs over age 14 of James Noonan, dead, chose Patrick A. Noonan for G&C. Sec, J. C. Fox & IJilliam T. Bridgford. 7 June 1853. (2-203) OWNBY, James, was elected constable of Union Twp. for two years. Sec, J. S. Dawson, David Overfelt & J. D. Moore. 9 Aug 1854. (2-244) ... elected in Aug 1854, constable of Union Twp. for two years. Sec, Daniel M. Dulaney a E.J. Tucker. 9 Aug 1854.(2-252) PAYTON, John V1., binds himself as apprentice, to William Turner to learn trade of blacksmith until he is 2i on 18 Jan 1842. 27 Aug 1838. (101-102) PICKLE, Elizabeth, John,
Abraham & Solomon, under age 14, minor heirs of Solomon Pickle, dead.
G&C, Joseph Cole. Sec, William Murphy 11 Mar 1851. (2-134)
Elizabeth K., John VI., Abraham & Solomon T., infant children of
Solomon Pickle, dead, all under age 14. G&C, Thomas J. Gillaspy.
Sec, Thomas Poage, D. M. POOL, Thomas, elected
county collector for year 1837. Sec, POWERS, Susan Rebecca, Hester, Mary Francis, Sarah Julia, John Henry Clay, minor heirs of John Powers, decd. G&C, Isaac Coppedge. 2 July 1850. (2-118) PRICE, Leslie, minor heir
over age 14 years, of John R. Price, decd, chose as guardian, Philip
Williams. Sec, Robert Price & Joseph T.B. Hagan. 21 Dec 1333.
(23-24) Court appointed James Cox guardian of Benjamin C. Price, Elizabeth
Price & Clay Price, minor heirs of John R. Price, decd. Sec,
Robert Price & T. L. Miller. 24 Dec 18331. (24-25) PRICE, John R., decd. A8mr, Samuel Crow, with will annexed, posted bond as security for any debts which may be due against the estate of the decd, for having delivered to Robert Price, one of the heirs, a negro woman, Penelope, a negro boy, Peter, and a negro girl, Harriet. Philip Williams, as guardian of Leslie Price, one of the heirs of John R. Price, gives bond to Samuel Crow, admr, of estate, for taking into possession slaves from the estate for Lesly, to wit: a negro woman, Winy, a negro girl, Caroline, and a negro child, Jack. Sec, Robert Nesbit. 16 Jan 1835. (51) PRICE, Benjamin, minor of John R. Price, decd, chose for guardian, John M. Long. Sec, Gustavous M. Bower. 15 Nov 1836. (75) ...chose Robert P. Stout for his guardian. Sec, Charles Yeakey & Milton Wilkerson. 5 Feb 1839. (117) PRICE, Elizabeth, under age 11, and Clay Price, under age 7, minor heirs of John R. Price, decd. Guardian, Levi F. Hall. Sec, Burton W. Hall & Robert Price. 27 Feb 1837. (34) ... chose Robert P. Stout PRICE, Mariam, was appointed G&C of Clay Price, minor heir of John R. Price. Sec, Robert P. Stout. 11 Dec 1839. (139) PRICE, Clay, minor heir of John R. Price. Levi F..Hall appointed guardian. Sec, Jno. Heard Jesse H. Pavey. 6 May 1840. (149) Theodore G. Price was made guardian of H. Clay Price, minor heir of John R. Price, decd. Sec, Joseph White. 11 Sept 1841. (171) Court appointed Levi F. Hall his guardian. Sec, John W. Ragsdall & Thomas Poage. 15 Mar 1841. (167)1@ PURDOM, Francis E., minor heir of Thomas A. Purdom,,under age 14. G&C, John Williams. Sec, T.E. Williams. 2 Jan 1849. (2-100) RAGSDALE, Thomas W., over age 14, minor heir of James Ragsdale, decd, chose for G&C, John 'W. Ragsdale. 6 June 1853. Sec. Drury Ragsdale. (2-199) 79 RAGSDALE, Richard &
John W., over age 14, minor heirs of James Ragsdale, decd, chose George
Williamson for GL'CC. Sec, William Styles. 6 June IS53. (2-200)
James Cornelius ('@< Mary Amanda, minor heirs of James Ragsdale, decd,
under age 14. GUSC, William Styles. Sec, George Williamson. 6
June 1853. (2-201) Thomas V1., RAGSDALE, Drury &
Cornelius, heirs of Joseph Ragsdale. I Guardian RAGSDALE, Cornelius, was
chosen G&C of Robert Ragsdale P_ William L. Ragsdale. (In one p-lace
it says they are children of his first wife, and In another, it says they
are children of Joseph Rags- REED(RE'ID), Sarah V.`., George Anderson & Thomas H. Reid, minor heirs of Sylvester Reid, decd. G&C, Charles E. Allen. Sec, James M. Yager. 21 June 1841. (168) Thomas H., minor heir, over 14 years, of Sylvester Reed, decd, chose John A. Snell for G"'C, Sec, James Ownby. 6 June 1853. (2-202) REED 9 Marshall, infant
heir, over age 14, of Anderson Reed, Thomas J. Reed. 6 Feb
1854. (2-213) R4 RIDINGS, George, was appointed G&C of Joseph -Ldings, his infant child under age 14. Sec, John A. Snell. 3 Jan 1854. (2-232) ROBINSON, Walter, was appointed curator for his child, Mary Jane Robinson, under age 14. Sec, John '.e.Tilliams & Thomas Crutcher. 4 Aug 1852. (2-162) ROBY, Hezekiah, was appointed G&C of Francis, James, Mary, Deby, Margaret, Thomas J., & Eliza Roby, his infant heirs. Sec, David Wooldridge & Wesley Roby. 2 Sept 1850. (2-122) RODGERS, Enoch, infant
heir of Joseph L. Rodgers, under 14. G&C, MONROE COUNTY 3C -DS RODGERS, John Sanford
Alfred Wesley, infant heirs of Joseph L. RUNKLE, William, appointed collector of taxes for 1832. Sec, Daniel East & James R. Abernathy. 7 Feb 1832. (10-11) RUNKLE, Eliza, binds her son William Runkle, age 11 years on 17 June 1836, minor heir of David Runkle, decd, to John Stone until he is 21 on 17 June 1346, to be taught carpenter's trade. 2i Sept 1336. (30-81) SAILING, William, minor heir of John Sailing, decd. Carr. Sec, Richard Porter. 5 Mar 1851. (2-132) SAUNDERS, Mahulda, found by jury to be insane. Court appointed guardian, William Ransdale.. 'Sec, Alexander Thompson. 2 May 1837. (86) SCALES, Oliver, infant heir of Henry Scales, decd, over age 14, chose Thomas N. Stephens for GL'CC. Sec, Reuben S. Settle. 6 Nov 1854. (2-264) SCOTT, Benjamin, minor heir of Jonathan Scott, decd. G&C, Jonathan Gore. Sec, R. H. Buchanan & J. H. Bodine. 8 Nov 1848. (198) James M. Scott, minor heir of Jonathan Scott, decd, over age 14, chose G&C, Thomas Crutcher. Sec, Charles Crutcher & Joel Maupin. 12 Feb 1855. (2-281) SHARP? Mary E., Richard L., William F. & John M., infant heirs of John A. Sharp, decd. G"IC, Levi Shortridge, Sec, Albert G. Shortridge. 12 Feb 1853. (2-IS6) SHEARIIIAN, John, minor
heir over aQe 14 of John H. Shearman, decd chose William Shearman for
G&C. Sec, Wm. M. Sharp. 2 June i851. (2-138) John
Shearman, minor heir over 14 of T hn H. Shearman, SHERMAN, Martha, was
chosen G&C by Thomas B. Sherman over age 14 SHEPHERD, Hayden, "a poor male child who will be 14 years old on the 8th of Dec. next" has no father living and his mother,' Katharine Mays is allowing him to grow up in idleness without any means of obtaining an honest livelihood, and she gave the court written consent for said Hayden to be bound as apprentice to Enoch Hayden, Jr., until age 21, to learn farming. 7 Aug 1839. (131-132) SHOOVS), Cassander, James, Mary Ann & Littleberry, minor heirs of John Shoots, decd., in open court, chose for guardian William Shoots. Sec, John B. Gaines & Christopher E. Acuff. 13 June 1836. (72) Littleberry Shoot, being a minor heir of John Shoot, decd, age i5 on the '27 July 1839, with consent of his G&C, James SHOOT (S), (cont.
guardian, T 4-1 liam Shoot, bound himself to SHORTRIDGE, Robert, Juliett F., Marinda L. & Margaret J@, minor orphans of George Shortridge, decd. Guardian, Richard D. Powers. , Sec, James Poage 8, Thomas Poage. 15 June 1840, (150) SIDNER, Jacob & Thomas A., infant heirs over 14 of John Sidner, decd, chose Noah A. Sidner for G&C. Sec, Reece Davis a Martha Heathman. Nov 1854. (2-268) SIMPSON, James F., Robert
R. & Margaret Jane, minor heirs of SINCLAIR, William D. & Jemima, infant heirs of James T. Sinclair, decd, under age 14. G&C, Robert Sinclair, Sec, Willis Samuels. 2 May 1853. (2-194) SIZEMORE9 Wesley D., Mary E. A., & Susan, minor orphans of Jourdan Sizemore, decd. Guardian, Mary Sizemore. Sec, Ezra Fox & William S. Fox. I 3 Nov 1339. (136) SMITH, James H., was appointed in Ralls Co., at Feb term, 1829, guardian of George '-I. Smith, infant orphan of James H. Smithl over 14, and also for John Smith and Hugh Smith, under age 14, orphans of James H. Smith. Sec, John McGee & William W. Wilcockson. Transcript of this sent by Charles Glascock, clerk of Ralls co., to 0. TPT. McBride, clerk of Monroe Co., 24 Mar 1834. (39-40) SMITH, James H., of Greene Co., IL-lo., appoints John McGee of Monroe Co. as attorney for himself and as guardian of George V1., John E@ Hugh Smith (the latter are minor heirs of James H. Smith7 decd) and the former has lately become of age (George 1'.1.) Attorney is to account for and make a final settlement of account of George 'i,l. Smith and to take transfe-r of guardianship of the other two minors. 5 May 1834. (42-43) SMITH, George T.I., age 21, of unsound mind and incapable of managing his own affairs.
Guardian, John il. McGee.
Sec, John SMITH, Nancy H., minor orphan of Hugh Smith, decd. Guardian, James H. Smith. Sec, John S. McGee & Philip Williams. 6 May 1834. (44) Prudence M. Smith, minor heir of Hugh Smith, decd,'@. chose for G&C, James H. Smith. Sec, TWilliam A. Delany & Ephraim Smith. 17 Aug 1835. (55) SMITH, Thomas, minor orphan of George Smith, decd, age 13 on 4 Mar 1837@ bound himself to Thomas J. Bailey as apprentice until age 21, on 13 Mar 1845 - to be taught to read & write, and at end of servitude to be given two new suits of clothes, a Bible? a horse & bridle worth $75.00, and 80 acres of land to be worth at least $100. 3 May 1837. (87-88) 82 MONROE COUNTY - GUARDIANSHIP '23ONDS SMITH, Sarah Ann, Ursula, John William & Enoch A., minor heirs of Jeptha P. Smith. G&C, Sally Waller. See, Gerard Fowkes a Fountain Chandler. 11 Feb 1851. (2-130) SMITH, Richard O., Ann Eliza, Enoch H., & Udoltha M., infant heirs of Payton H. Smith, deed. G&C, Powell Ownby. See, N. H. Marders, Preston Swinney & Chesley Swinney. 5- Aug i351. (2-140) SMITH, John R., was appointed curator of Thomas E., Ann V., Oliver P.Y & Emerine Smith, infant children of said John R. Smith. See, John B. Rudacell. 7 Feb 1853. (2-183 & 184) SMITH, Rosa Ann, was chosen and appointed C&G of Mary T., James E., Martha B., Thomas J.C., Beldixira? L., Rosa J. & Julia H. Smith, heirs of James H. Smith, deed. See, J. H. McKamey & L%T.K. Vanarsdall. 4 Apr 1353. (2-193) SMITH, Samuel S., was aproin'Eed by the cou--ty court to be collector of state and county taxes. See, James C. Fox, William Runkle & James Mappin. 2 May 1831@ (2-3) Samuel H. Smith was appointed county assessor for 1834. See, James C. Fox & Joseph H. Smith. 4 Feb 1834. (27-28) SOMERS, Mary Jane, appointed guardian of Catherine Somers, infant heir of Walter Somers, deed. See, Geo. Foust. 2 Oct 1348. (195) SPARKS, George R. C"(
Samuel, infant heirs of James P. Sparks, decd, SPEED, James, was elected in Aug 1354, constable of Jackson Twp for two years. See, Joel Maupin, Thomas Crutcher & J. A. Bodine. 14 Aug 1854. (2-254) STEPHENS, John D., was elected at the Aug 1852 election, county assessor for 2 years. See, Levi Shortridge & M. L. Sharp. 4 Oct 1852. (2-182) John D. Stephens was elected in Aug 1854, county assessor. See, Levi Shortridge & Ashley Carter. 4 Sept 1854. (2-247 & 248) STEVENS, John A., Dillard, Marv & Francis Stevens, minor children 0.4 John Stevens. Guardian, James M. Stevens. See, Powel S. Ownby & Caleb Embree. I Nov 1341. (173) STEWART, William, Joseph, Mary, James, Jane, Walker & Robert, minor heirs of James Stewart, deed. Guardian, Robert Hanna. See, Reuben Underwood. 3 Feb 1841. (164)' STRIBLING, Eliza Loupene, James Orland & Grizza Lorretta, infant heirs of Taliaferro Strdbling, deed, over 14. G&C, Milton Wilkerson. See, James W. Herndon & Thos. J. Chowning. I Oct 1849. (2-111) Lafrena, Orland & Lorretta, infant children of Taliaferro Stribling, deed. G&C, Mason @-Iilkerson. 6 Aug 1852. Sec, Thomas Poage & Charles Yeakey. (2-160) SWINDLE, James B., was elected assessor for year 1342. Sec, Samll 1. Quirey. 6 Dec 1841. (177) SWINNEY, Henry A., chose for his guardian, Joseph D. Swinney. sec, F@ E. Fox & Urban East. 16 Nov 1836. (77) SWINNEY, Preston, appointed county assessor. Sec, John Burton --hesley Swinney. 31 Dec 1839. (140) rANNER, Silas & Mary
Allen Tanner, minor orphans of Ephraim ranner, decd. Guard'an, Uriel
Rouse, Sec, Jeremiah Rouse. 13 Dec 1841. (176) THOMPSON, George, jairtes, Alexander Malvina -'z Eliza, infant children of Mary Ann Thompson, decd. Curator of estate, Wm. J. Howell. Sec, Smith Thom7,son & Martin Bodine. 4 Dec 1854.(2-276) TOWNSON, William S., age
about 20 yrs. Cabel Mills was appointed his guardian un-'@_-Jl he is
21. Sec, Jacob Harper & Thomas TRIPLETT, James C., elected county assessor. 3 Dec 1833. (112) Sec, Joel Mau-0in. TURNER, Clement, age 15 years on the 21 June 1340, minor orphan of Clement Turner, decd, with consent of court, bound himself to James Ragsdall until age 21 on the 21 June 1846. (152-153) VAUGHN, William, was chosen G&C by Mary S. Vaughn, over age 14, and appointed G&C, of Martha J., Benj. F., a John G. Vaughn, under age 14, and all heirs of his late wife, Eliza Vaughn, Sec, John D. Poage & Alfred Wilson. 6 Aug 1851. (2-1-42) VAUGHN, Lucinda J., Ann E., John N., Sarah C., & Cary F., minors under 14 of Martha C. Vaughn, decd. G&C, Thomas F. Vaughn. Sec, Milton J. Embree. 10 Feb 1854. (2-216) WALKUP 7 Nancy P. & Lucy Ann, over 14 years, chose James W. Herndon for G&C, and he was appointed G&C for Cindarella, Mary Amanda, John Samuel & l@'im. Henry Walkup, under age 7t4, all infant heirs of John Walkup, decd. Sec, E. N. Daniel C', Samuel H. Herndon. 6 Aug 1852. (2-1@9) WEATHERFORD, Caroline Ann, Benjamin F., Margaret, Martha Jane & Robert, mincrs@ Guardian, Francis McCord. Sec, Geo. J. Weatherford & Robert Gwyn. 7 Ma- 1838. (96) WELCH, Giles H., age 12 on
I July 1834, infant heir of Isaiah Welch, decd, bound to James H. Smith,
as apprentice to learn blacksmith, untill age 21 on 1 July 1843.
Sec, Samuel trade of 84 MONROE COUNTY - GUAF=-,NS1r11P BO@ DS WILCOXSON, Ephraim H.,
infant heir under age 14 of Wm. Wilcoxson, WILKERSON, Milton,
appointed assessor for year 1835. Sec, Presley WILLIAMS, Ann Eliza & Cordelia P., infant heirs of S. P. Williams, decd. G-"',C, P.!,-I. Burgess. Sec, Wesley Wilson c,< Wm. J. Freeland. 6 Nov 1852. (2-167 & 168) WILSON, Wesley & Enoch, minor heirs of San(dford ililson, decd. Guardian, Alfred Wilson. Sec, James Vaughn. 6 Aug 1339. (127) Newton & Sandford E., minor heirs of Sandford Wilson, decd. Guardian, David Steel. Sec, Jonathan Gore Q'X James H. Smith. 6 Aug 1839. (128) WOLF, Levi, decd. Admr, Geo. L. Hearmon who made final settlement and per court order 3aid all due Henry Wolf. Sec, John N. Parsons & George Wolf. 5 Feb 1839. (119) 'YAGER, Robert M., minor heir of James M. Yager, decd, over age 14, chose for G&C, Wm. Bassett. Sec, Wm. Farrell. 8 Feb 1853.(2-187) Columbus F., minor child over 14, of James 1,1. Yager, chose Geo. H. Bassett G&C. Sec, Wm. N. Bassett. 7 Mar 1853. (2-190) YANCY, Marshall, Jane C', William, minor heirs of William Yancy, decd. Guardian, Nimrod Canterberry. Sec, George Poage & Thomas Mosley. 7 Nov 1838. (103) YATES, Nancy, was appointed G&C of Tames, Elizabeth, Thomas, Rosan, Stephen, Philip, Vincent & William Yates, infant children of Vincent Yates, decd. Sec, Benedict Carico. 5 June 1848. (191) YATES, Catherine, was appointed G&C of Ann Louisa Yates, infant child of Felix Yates, decd? under age 14. Sec, Eli Green C"', Calvin Shattuck. 3 Mar 1851. (2-131) YOUNG, Mary, guardian of Sarah, Mary Ann, Rachel & Moses Young, minor heirs of Benjamin Young, decd. 'Dec, Thomas Young & Lawrence Boggs. 4 Feb 1839. (115) Y0WELL, Robert, minor heir of Ephraim Yowell, decd, over 14, chose for G&C, John B. Yowell. Sec, Newton Wilson & Aylette H. Walden. 5 Jan 1852. (2-148) |