
Back to Monroe County

James Dye
(Farmer, Post-Office, Granville) 

Before Monroe county had "a habitation or a Name.,, away back in the wilderness-days of the country, the Dye family came to Missouri.  This was long before the subject of the present sketch was born, he having been born in Ralls county, December 20, 1829.  His parents, Fauntleroy and Elizabeth (Young) Dye were from Kentucky  to this State, but his mother was originally from North Carolina.  When the territory, now in half a dozen counties, was known as Ralls County, then an almost uninhabitable wild, with a settler here and there, a day's journey apart or more they came to Ralls county and located in that part of it which is still included in the original county of that name.  James Dye was born after his Parents had been living there a number of years, and the following year they moved to what is now known as Monroe Co. There they located on Big Indian Creek, now in Indian Creek township, where they entered land in the timber, for no one thought the prairies were fit for cultivation then, where they opened a farm and lived some ten years.  Selling out, however, in 1840 they crossed over into Shelby county, where they improved another farm and lived until their death.  The father died November 28. 1870, at an advanced age.  James Dye was principally reared in Shelby county, and when twenty-one years of age went to Texas, in 1851. then an almost terra incognita to the civilized world. where he spent about a year engaged in trade, and also taught school in a neighborhood of settlers who went there with the Aeneas Italioe of the Lone Star State, Col.  Sam Houston.  Returning to Missouri, he resumed farming, and on September 1. 1853, was married to Miss Anna Bozarth, a daughter of Elias Bozarth of Monroe county, but formerly of Kentucky.  After his marriage he returned to Texas, but remained only a short time, coming back in 1855 and settling in Shelby county, where he improved a farm, and resided in Shelby county, engaged in farming. until 1864, when he removed to Monroe county and located about four miles south of Paris, in Jackson township.  Mr. Dye lived in Jackson township for nearly 20 years, but something over a year ago sold his place there and bought the farm where he now resides, at Granville, to which he at once removed.  Here he has a place of 125 acres, on which he has good homestead improvements, including besides the buildings, fences. etc., a good ice-house and an orchard of about 100 bearing trees.  August 21,1862, he had the misfortune to lose his first wife, who left him three sons; Fauntleroy, Elias, and Jacob D., who have grown up to manhood, and the two oldest are married and have four children in the aggregate.  They and their wives are members of the Christian Church.  To his present wife he was married in 1863. her maiden name was Miss Mary Woods, and she was a daughter of John Woods, of this county, but formerly of Kentucky. They have reared a daughter, Mary E. now the wife of Wm.  J. Glascock.  Mrs. Glacock has an infant child Bessie Lee.  Mr. Dye, wife and daughter are members of the Granville Christian Church.